HHPM Topics for Regular Members

Someone Has Their Eye on You. “…She asked him, ‘Why have I found such favor in your eyes that you notice me – a foreigner?’ Boaz replied, I’ve been told all about what you have done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband – how you left your father and mother and your homeland and came to live with a people you did not know before. (Read more…)


It’s Never Too Late. Have you ever felt like God showed up too late? If He’d just got there a little sooner, maybe things would have worked out.  (Read more…)


#blessed. What is God’s outpouring in your life right now? (Read more…)


Being an Example of His Message. We are not saved only to be instruments for God, but to be His sons and daughters. He does not turn us into spiritual agents but into spiritual messengers, and the message must be a part of us. (Read more…)


How do you know if you are blessed? If you own just one Bible… you are abundantly blessed. 1/3 of the world does not have access to even one. (Read more…)


God’s Blueprint for Singles. Beginning today, offer to God his special area of great excitement for you. Let Him be the writer and author of this great love story! God is assuring you to live each day with the joy of knowing that God has your best intentions in His heart! He loves you deeply that He’s so excited to see you each day with sparkle in your eyes, with smart confidence in your poise, with that smile on your voice and with love and passion in your heart! (Read more…)


The Unique Mystery of the Eucharist. Gospel Reflection. The Gospel reminds us of a mysterious God who was sent to us. Blessed be God. You are simply someone we could not fully understand, and yet we know You love us. You have revealed the mysteries of heaven to the childlike. What a prayer of thanks of Jesus, praising His Father for understanding, revealing the wealth of heaven, the beauty of the Kingdom of love, and for opening His heart through the eyes of children. (Read more…)


Freedom in Contentment. In life, sometimes it’s easy to get so focused on our dreams and goals that we tune out everything else. We can get to the point where we’re not going to be happy until we see those things happen. But I’ve found that if we have to have something in order to be happy, our lives are out of balance. (Read more…)


The Doubting Thomas – Reflection on the Scriptures. We know Thomas as the doubting one. He is more popularly known as the ‘doubting Thomas’. But there is a real heritage that St. Thomas gave us, that after his initial doubt, he was the one who expressed belief in the lordship of Jesus. (Read more…)


God Always Answers Prayers – by Dr. Robert Schuller. When the idea is not right God says, “No”. No – when the idea is not the best. No – when the idea is absolutely wrong. No – when though it may help you, it could create problems for someone else.  When the time is not right, God says, “Slow”. (Read more…)


Availability: The Key to Spiritual Victory.  All spiritual victory begins with personal availability. Answers to prayer, for example, necessitate the act of prayer, and the act of prayer is availability. The same is true with giving. Giving always begins with availability. (Read more…)


Faith is Trust. Faith is belief. Faith has a truth content, which we come to know by accepting God’s word for what it is. But faith is not only believing. It is alto trusting and having confidence in Him. (Read more…)

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