Loving Responses

Loving Responses: Allowing the Lord to lead us to respond in common love in our service.

As leaders, we are faced with real life situations that call for us to exercise wisdom and discernment in our responses.

Singles for Christ is a loving community. We seek to always respond in love. Loving Responses is not about defining the rules and regulations of our community. This workshop tackles common issues that single individuals experience or go through. It seeks to allow us to respond in common love and understanding towards those situations.


1. Do we take out leaders from their service if they fall pregnant out of marriage?

2. Can a member who was previously engaged in homosexual lifestyle be a household head / leader?

3. Is it acceptable if a brother or a sister show mutual respect / admiration to each other through shows of affection but are not officially in an exclusive boyfriend-girlfriend relationship?

4. Should you continue to assign major responsibilities to overly mature / older SFCs?

5. Is it ok to encourage long distance relationships and engagements?

6. Do you turn down single parent participants who are not married in church in CLPs?

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